November Gardening


November gardening might make you fall for them when you know the secrets behind it. But, many people can’t wait for the cool days to start their fall vegetable gardening. If you are one of them who is interested to start November gardening but don’t know what to do, here are some tips and to-do lists by region and by planting zone.

Gardening Tips By Planting Zone:

Zone Three:

If you are staying in this region, make sure to water the trees and shrubs of your garden before the ground freezes solid.

Have a look at your root vegetables like potatoes, garlic, or onions and check them for any signs of rot as this could spread and ruin other foods you’re saving for use this winter.

This is also an excellent time for caring for your gardening tools and clean, sharpen, and make any repairs to them before storage.

Clean up all the birdhouses and fill them with food to help out the other birds in your area survive this cold season.

Zone Four:

Make sure to clean your garden and remove all your debris from your garden. Take more time to care for any new trees you may have recently planted. Their bark isn’t tough enough to survive elements this zone provides.

While caring for your trees in the garden, be sure to go around your fruit trees and clean up all the fruits lying beneath them.

This is the last month to cut the grass and if you don’t cut the grass it could mold beneath the wet snow which can easily harm your lawn.

Take care about your perennials and wait until the ground freezes completely. The last thing is you must take care about the compost pile and if it is dry, add some water and work in it.

Zone Five:

November is a month of finishing harvesting and if you are planning to grow your own Christmas trees, then make sure to go ahead and dig the plants where you plan on planting the tree.

You must also take care of perennials especially which isn’t a spring flower, rose, grassy plant which should be cut back to only two to three inches tall.

However, roses should be pruned for their healthy growth for the upcoming years. Add compost to the base of the plants and put a rose cone around it to protect the plant from a violent winter.

Zone Six:

If you are in this zone, you probably notice an increase in leaves around your property and garden. However, they can use as a mulch on your garden beds or component of your compost.

This is the last month to plant any bulbs and have a check on lettuce and spinach if you’re growing. As they need to be thinned at some point in November. Harvest remaining vegetables like cabbages, carrots, kale, etc.
Make sure to pay little more attention to your perennials this month and need to be cut back and keep them in 2-3 inches height.

Zone Seven:

If you’re in zone 7 you’ll still have few things to do in November Gardening. Protect your crops like lettuce, spinach, chives, parsley, as they need to be covered totally to survive a freeze.

Even though freezing temperatures will start in this season, you can plant any trees, shrubs or strawberries plants this month.

Collect all the leaves you see in your property and use them in your compost or as garden pests to avoid certain problems from the weather. You can even use them for fall decorations inside the house too.

Zone Eight:

You can plant your fruit trees in November Gardening especially if you stay in zone eight. You can also plant many vegetables like cabbage, radishes, broccoli, beets, spinach, carrots, kale and peas.

Harvest remaining vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc. you should also use this time for planting any strawberry plant that you want to see.

Zone Nine:

Well, if you stay in zone nine make sure to harvest tomatoes as they cannot handle cold weather.

This is also the perfect time to plant garlic and onions in this zone. Be sure to protect your spinach and lettuce plants, cover them when the temperature drops.

Harvest all types of root vegetables such as carrots, cabbages, broccoli, turnips, and kale. Use this time to add compost to the base of all citrus plants and plant wildflowers.

Zone Ten:

In zone ten, November is a great time to plant, harvest and even protects some elements as well.

You can harvest beans, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, and kale. While harvesting fruits, be sure to clean them completely which may have fallen to deter pests and diseases from hanging out around the trees?

Whatever, you need to keep an eye on all your crops and plants to protect them from harsh weather. Your garden should get one inch of rain per week and in the event of freeze be sure to water the soil and not the plant.

Garden Tips By Region:

Southwest Region

  • Keep watering your plants in this season, because dry plants are more easily damaged during a freeze.
  • Protect citrus trees from frost
  • Remove leaves from your yard and add them to your compost or use it as a mulch to protect your lawn.
  • Plant cold-hardy flowers.
  • Harvest all warm-weather crops and don’t stop planting cool-weather crops such as broccoli, kales, cabbage, onions etc.

Northwest Region

  • Make sure to check all the vegetables in the root cellar to protect them from the rot.
  • Use cold frame to protect winter crops.
  • Clean-up your garden as well as all fallen fruits around the base of your fruit trees.
  • Mulch berry plants
  • Winterize lawnmower


  • Plant new trees and shrubs
  • keep the grass of your garden short and free of lawn-damaging pests
  • Mulch all flowers and bulbs once the ground freezes.
  • Clean-up your garden as well as all fallen fruits around the base of your fruit trees.
  • Store your harvest in a cool, dark location such as a root cellar, cool corner of a basement.
  • Clean-up leaves in your yard and use them in the compost or as a mulch
  • Winterize all lawn and garden tools and equipment
  • Pick-up garden hoses and drain all water from the hoses and faucet


  • Store harvest in a root cellar, dark basement, or dark location in your property to help them to stay healthy.
  • Winterize lawnmower
  • Mark all perennials and bulbs with stakes to avoid damaging them in the spring.
  • Plant new trees and shrubs to improve beauty.
  • Wrap evergreen trees and shrubs to protect them from harsh weather.
  • Clean-up and till the garden
  • Make sure to add two inches of mulch to all perennial beds after the ground freezes


  • Plant new trees and shrubs but don’t prune what you’ve already planted as it encourages its growth
  • Clean-up all leaves in your yard to avoid lawn damage.
  • Add compost to perennial beds and mulch to all plants and trees to help fight weeds and hold moisture
  • Plant cold-hardy flowers such as carnations, petunias, and pansies to add color to your home.
  • Plant all types of root vegetables such as beets, cabbage, spinach, and onions

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